Specialists in hexagonal arrow-punched products

It is a highly accurate processing method with a good cost-performance, and is not affected

by the shape of the product or by difficult-to-work materials.
This type of work was once commonly performed by forging press shops, but due to lack of successors in the industry,

it is now viewed as a valuable technology.
At Maekawaseisakujo Co., Ltd. we manufacture and sell specialty bolts and screws with sockets of various shapes

(such as with hex sockets, Torx sockets, and cross-recessed heads) made using this arrow punching technology.
We also manufacture small-lot products such as trial products and sell ready-made products.
At the same time, we sell made-in-Japan punches and dies in various shapes.

The hexagonal arrow punching conducted by Maekawaseisakujo Co., Ltd. is used

in the manufacture of products with hex sockets, Torx sockets, and cross-recessed heads.

◆ Latest news

November 14: We have opened our website.

maekawaseisakujo-en.jimdofree.com Blog Feed

Example of a trial product with 6 mm across-flats  hex socket punching (Wed, 22 Nov 2017)
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